pühapäev, 27. september 2009

Täna on Sydi päev. Teadmata põhjusel.

Mõned kommentaarid, mis ma leidsin alltoodud laulu sõnu lugedes. See esimene on lihtsalt liiga geniaalselt öeldud (mitte et mul midagi folgi vastu oleks... aga räpi märkus on ideaalne). Ja teises kommentaaris on nii uskumatu asi kirjas, et ma pidin selle siia panema... nimelt... keegi on kasutanud ühes lauses nii Sydi kui ka The Mars Volta nime... :
I find Syd to be...strangly addictive...who knew folk songs could be good...but then again I bet Syd could even make rap sound good HA.
Syd is one of those very unique musicians whose lyrics are mostly unintelligable but you still know exactly what they are singing about. I think it has to do with using words that carry certain moods whether their literal meanings fit in or not. I know it's more complicated then that but that's the best I can do. The only other artist I've seen who could do that was The Mars Volta (not that I'm comparing Syd to the Mars Volta; I'm just saying their writing styles are similar).

Syd Barrett - Dark Globe

Oh where are you now
Pussywillow that smiled on this leaf
When I was alone
You promised the stone from your heart

My head kissed the ground
I was half the way down
Treading the sand
Please lift a hand
I'm only a person
Whose armbands beat
On his hands hang tall

Won't you miss me?
Wouldn't you miss me at all?

The poppy birds way
Swing twigs coffee brands around
Brandish her wand with a feathery tongue

My head kissed the ground
I was half the way down
Treading the sand
Please lift a hand
I'm only a person
With eskimo chain
I tattooed my brain all the way

Won't you miss me?
Wouldn't you miss me at all?

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